1. Call to Order:
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. June 15, 2020
  4. Business Arising
  5. Administration: (*Resolution Prepared)
    1. Community Group Emergency Grant Fund Requests*
    2. Dog By-law Repeal Report*
    3. Dangerous and Unsightly Update Report
  6. Recreation: (*Resolution Prepared)
    1. MPA Program Transfer of Administration Request*
  7. Finance: (*Resolution Prepared)
    1. Financial Update June 2020
    2. Temporary Borrowing Resolution Request for Fire Truck*
  8. Other: (*Resolution Prepared)
    1. NSFM – COVID-19 Lost Revenue Report – June 020*
    2. Housing NS Correspondence
    3. Letter of thanks from Sou-West Nova Transit Association
    4. Letter from Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding municipal election in October
  9. Committee Reports/ Recommendations:
  10. Council Member Updates:
  11. In Camera:
    1. Labour Relations as per MGA Section 22 (2) (d) (b)
    2. Lease Agreement as per MGA Section 22 (2) (a).
  12. Adjournment:

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