Wednesday, April 12, 2023, | 6:00 pm | 414 Woodlawn Drive

The Municipality of the District of Shelburne will hold its regular Council meeting on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, in the new municipal building at 414 Woodlawn Drive. Please get in touch with Chana Ross at if you wish to participate virtually. Requests for virtual participation must be received by 4:30 pm the day of the meeting. In-person attendance is no longer restricted. Please do not attend the meeting if you are ill or experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Public Health recommends wearing a mask in crowded environments or when unwell. Masks and hand sanitizers will be provided at the meeting door. We wish to remind the public that they will not be allowed to speak at the meeting unless they have requested permission in advance.

Audio recordings of the meetings for 2023 will be available on the Council Meeting Minutes page.

* means there is a motion with the staff report.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
    1. April 12, 2023
  3. Approval of Minutes 
    1. March 22, 2023
    2. March 27, 2023
  4. Business Arising 
  5. In-Camera
    1. Legal Advice as per MGA Section 22 (2) (g) 6:00 pm
  6. Economic & Community Development
    1. 2023/24 Grants to Organizations Recommendations – Robin Smith*
  7. Operations & Protective Services
    1. Pell’s Road/Old Annapolis Road Resident Concerns – Information Only – Marcia d’Eon
  8. Administration
    1. Council Videoconferencing Policy – Information Only – Erin Hartley
    2. Correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Re: Issue of Retroactive RCMP Costs – Warren MacLeod
  9. Other
    1. District 33 Winery Tour – Potential Dates – Warden Smith
    2. Workshop Date to Discuss Budget Process – Warden Smith
  10. Committee Reports/Warden’s Update
    1. Committee Reports
      1. Audit and Internal Control Committee Member Resignation
    2. Warden’s Update
  11. Adjournment 

All Agendas