The ultimate goal of any public engagement process is to include the public in decision-making. The Municipality of the District of Shelburne is updating its Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and the associated Land Use By-law (LUB) to comply with the Province’s Minimum Planning Regulations. The last review of the LUB was completed in September 2015 so it is time for a refresh and update. The Municipality is engaging the public to ensure the involvement of residents and stakeholders in the plan review process so that those who may be affected by or interested in an issue or decision may have direct input into the policies and regulations that will shape their future.
Broad public engagement involved open houses, submissions, and a survey. Those who were not able to attend the three open houses were given the opportunity to participate via an online survey that was available on the Municipality’s website. If responses were not submitted to the survey online, the Municipality forwarded copies of the completed surveys so that these responses were included. Key informant interviews were carried out. The purpose of these interviews was to speak with a range of individuals whose backgrounds enhance the understanding of the Municipality’s challenges and potential opportunities. Key informants were community leaders, experts, and individuals with unique perspectives.
The “What We Heard” Report provides detailed results of feedback received from our public engagement sessions and public survey. What We Heard Report