Municipality of the District of Shelburne
TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned will accept nominations for the following offices in the Municipality of the District of Shelburne for which an election will be held on the 19th day of October, 2024;
One Councillor for each of Polling Districts 1-7
AND TAKE NOTICE that a nomination shall be filed at the office of the Returning Officer, Municipal Building, 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne, Nova Scotia BY APPOINTMENT ONLY between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on nomination day which is Tuesday, September 10, 2024, or by appointment during office hours in the seven (7) business days preceding nomination day.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that electors in the Municipality of the District of Argyle, the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth, the Town of Yarmouth, the Municipality of the District of Barrington, the Town of Clark’s Harbour, the Municipality of the District of Shelburne, the Town of Shelburne and the Town of Lockeport will elect two persons to be a Member of the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial and a nomination for that office shall be filed at the office of the Returning Officer at 5 JE Hatfield Court, Tusket, Nova Scotia, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on nomination day which is Tuesday, September 10, 2024, or by appointment during office hours in the seven (7) business days preceding nomination day.
DATED at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, this 14th day of August, 2024.
Wanda Atkinson
Returning Officer