Accessibility Act
In 2017 Bill No. 59, “An Act Respecting Accessibility in Nova Scotia”, was proclaimed in the Nova Scotia Legislature. The Accessibility Act recognizes accessibility as a human right, and sets a goal to make Nova Scotia an accessible province by 2030. The goal of the act is to prevent and remove barriers that restrict people with disabilities from fully participating in society. It enables the government to develop standards for accessibility, and outlines responsibilities for some public sector bodies, including municipalities.
For more information about the Accessibility Act visit the Accessibility Directorate
Accessibility Advisory Committee
The role of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to advise municipal councils on identifying, preventing, and eliminating accessibility barriers to municipal programs, services, and infrastructure. At least one half of the members of the advisory committee must have a disability or represent an organization that represents people with disabilities.
The Municipality of the District of Shelburne, Town of Shelburne and Town of Lockeport have developed a joint committee called The Eastern Shelburne County Accessibility Advisory Committee. The ESCAAC provides advice to the municipal councils on identifying, preventing and eliminating barriers to people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives and facilities. The Committee plays a pivotal role in the creation of barrier-free communities and ensuring the obligations under the Act are met.
Terms of Reference Accessibility Advisory Committee (32 KB)
Accessibility Plan
Eastern Shelburne County Accessibility Plan – MODS Action Plan FINAL
Eastern Shelburne County Accessibility Plan
Community Members
Terry Stacey – Town of Lockeport
Holly Perry – Town of Shelburne
Wanda Buchanan – Municipality of Shelburne
Council Members
Kent Balish – Town of Lockeport
Ben Nickerson – Town of Shelburne
Penny Smith – Municipality of Shelburne
Staff Members
Frances Scott, Community Coordinator – Town of Lockeport
Adam Dedrick, Director of Recreation & Parks – Municipality of Shelburne
Nicole Blades, Administration & Human Resource Officer, Town of Shelburne
The Accessibility Advisory Committee strives to meet regularly which can be monthly or quarterly, depending on the need.
For inquiries contact one of the following:
Michelle Vacon
Accessibility Coordinator
Office located at Municipality of Shelburne Administration Building
414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne
Frances Scott
Community Coordinator
Town of Lockeport
26 North Street, Lockeport
Adam Dedrick
Director of Recreation & Parks
902-875-3544 ext. 225
Municipality of the District of Shelburne
414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne
Jessie Dyer
Administration and Human Resources Officer
(902) 875-2991 ext. 4
Town of Shelburne
168 Water St., Shelburne NS