Advocacy Letters

School Bus Shortages

School Bus Shortages

The Council of the Municipality of the District of Shelburne is aware of the ongoing bus shortages affecting our school district and has reached out to Tri-County Regional Centre for Education requesting information on this matter and what plans are in place to rectify them.

Increasing Law Enforcement Resources

Increasing Law Enforcement Resources

With the alarming rise in violence and criminal activities in the area, particularly within the high-value fishing sectors, Municipal Council, along with the other four units of Shelburne County, strongly advocate for the immediate provision of additional law enforcement resources to support the efforts of local detachments.

Fisheries Management

Fisheries Management

Municipal Council, joined with the other Mayors and Wardens of Shelburne County, urge the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to advocate for a mediation process and quota management decisions that are inclusive, transparent, and respectful of the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders, including the commercial fisheries.

Healthcare Services Analysis

Healthcare Services Analysis

With all the deficiencies in our healthcare services, Council, along with the Mayors and Wardens of Shelburne County, strongly urge the Department of Health and Wellness to initiate, collaborate on, and fund a third-party review of our current Nova Scotia Health and Emergency Health services for our area.

Canada Community Building Fund

Canada Community Building Fund

Council recognizes the CCBF’s profound impact, and we propose an expansion of the fund’s qualifying expenditures to better address specific, pressing needs in our community: housing, municipal building improvements and the enhancement of port, wharf and waterfront facilities. These areas are crucial for the continued welfare and economic stability of our community.



Municipal Council joined with the Mayors and Wardens of the other 10 Municipal units in southwest Nova Scotiato request a meeting with the Federal Minister of Fisheries to discuss ongoing challenges around Indigenous and non-Indigenous fishers and the economic concerns of our municipalities and residents.

Service Exchange Agreement

Service Exchange Agreement

Although Council does appreciate the work that has been carried out in fro the Provincial Service Exchange Agreement, including the municipal financial capacity grant, corrections, and housing; we have concerns about road maintenance that need to be addressed.

Off-Shore Wind

Off-Shore Wind

Municipal Council applaud the Provincial Government in their quest to meet its goal of achieving 80 per cent renewable energy for its electricity needs by 2030. However, it is imperative that we exercise the utmost caution, safeguarding our fisheries—the economic backbone of Southwest Nova Scotia.