Dale Richardson


Councillor Dale Richardson has lived in Shelburne Municipality all of his life. He is married and has three daughters. He owned and operated a Fishing Enterprise for 45 years and is now retired. Over the years he has been involved in many charity, community, and fishing groups.

Councillor Richardson is currently retired as Fire Chief for the Little Harbour & Area Fire Department but still active as a member, sit on the Shelburne Municipal Fire Advisory Committee, President of the Nova Scotia Swordfish Harpoon Quota Society, member of ICCAT Advisory Group and President of the Little Harbour & Area Social Society (Community Hall).

Councillor Richardson represents District #7, which includes the communities of Lydgate, Osborne Harbour, Allendale, Canada Hill, Rockland, East Side of Ragged Island, Louis Head, West Middle Sable, Sable River, East Sable River, Port L’Herbert, and Granite Village.

Years of Service: Elected in 2016
Email: dale.richardson@municipalityofshelburne.ca
Phone: 902-656-2411