Sherry Thorburn Irvine


Councillor Sherry Thorburn Irvine was born in Sandy Point and has been involved in volunteerism throughout her life. As a young teen, a Sunday school teacher; in early adulthood, executive positions in Kinettes, a women’s service organization; an environmental group director for the Neyenkut Society. She is a 3rd term Shelburne Heritage Society Museum board member, a director with the West Green Harbour Recreation Association, (WGHRA), a volunteer with the Shelburne Loyalist Food Bank and currently, is also volunteering with the Shelburne Yacht Club, as they innovate.

Councillor Thorburn Irvine is a passionate family historian of 40 years, and by extension, fascinated by our local history. She is now in my 5th year of curling with the Shelburne Curling Centre. She aspires to learn to sail. Councillor Thorburn Irvine loves the outdoors, but most of alI, is interested in and cares about people. She possess a strong work ethic, and I look forward to partnering and working with fellow Councillors and citizens of Shelburne County to grow and strengthen our communities.

Years of Service: Elected in 2016
Phone: (902) 875-7677
Facebook: @councillorthorburnirvine
Twitter: @sthorburnirvine