
A policy is a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is not normally used to denote what is actually done, this would be done by a by-law. Whereas a policy will contain the ‘what’ and the ‘why’, by-laws contain the ‘what’, the ‘how’, the ‘where’, and the ‘when’.

A policy differs from a by-law. While law can compel or prohibit behaviors, policy merely guides actions toward those that are most likely to achieve a desired outcome.

These Municipal Policies are guidelines to be followed by the Municipality of the District of Shelburne and its residents.

Disclaimer for Policies

These Policies are an electronic reproduction made available for information purposes only and have no legal status.

The format may be different and plans, pictures, other graphics or text may be altered. Where applicable, amended policies have been consolidated with the original policy for convenience and reference.

To verify the accuracy and currency of this information, or to obtain certified copies of the official version of a policy, contact our office at 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne, NS or phone (902) 875-3544.

Acceptance of Petitions
Access to Information
Affordable Access to Recreation Policy
Appearing Before Council
Area Rate for Fire Departments
Asset Retirement Obligations
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Capital Funding For Fire Departments
Collections Policy
Commercial Beautification
Community Art Fund
Community Litter Clean-Up
Council and Staff Expense
Council Meeting Dates
Council Remuneration
Council Videoconferencing
COVID-19 Property Tax Financing Program
Covid-19 Workplace
Dangerous or Unsightly
Disposal of Surplus Lands
District Grant fund
Employee Discipline
Enforcement of Summary Offence Tickets
FCM Attendance
Fees and Charges
Festival and Events
Fire and Emergency Services Registration
Fire Department Grants
Fire Department Loan Guarantee
Grants to Organizations
Healthy Eating in Municipal and Recreation Settings
Inclusive Recreation
Investment Policy
Low Income Property Tax Exemption
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
Property Assessed Clean Energy – Lending Rate
Property Assessed Clean Energy – Upgrade Standards
Public Participation – Planning Docs
Records Management
Recreation Department Child Abuse Procedure
Recreation Department Emergency Management
Recreation Department Hiring
Recreation Department Municipal Vehicle Use Summer Staff
Recreation Department Privacy Protection
Recreation Leader Conduct
Recreation Leader Orientation and Training
Regional Materials Recovery Facility Disposal Facility
Respectful Workplace
Rules of Order
Septage Disposal Policy
Signing Authority
Street Lighting Policy
Sun Safety Policy
Tax Billing
Tax Exemptions for Community Groups
Tax Reduction on Destroyed Property
Tax Sale Policy
Temporary Recreation Staff Discipline Policy
Term of Office – Warden and Deputy Warden
Use of Municipal Vehicles
Volunteer Expense Policy