At the heart of our Municipal Council’s commitment lies their dedication to building sustainable and vibrant communities. We prioritize investment in projects that not only enhance the quality of life for our residents but also ensure a prosperous future. From capital infrastructure to cultural initiatives that foster community spirit, our projects are a testament to our vision for a thriving tomorrow.


Empowering Healthcare Excellence: Our Commitment to Recruit and Retain Professionals We recognize the challenges and demands of the healthcare industry, and we are committed to providing the support, resources, and…
Read more → Healthcare

Digital Marketing

Economic Prosperity: Igniting Business Attraction through Municipal Initiatives Municipal Council is making investments and fostering economic growth through strategic content creation. We are leveraging innovative content initiatives to attract businesses,…
Read more → Digital Marketing

Land Use By-Law

Through Request for Proposal process, the Municipality has hired consultant Stantec to update our Land-Use By-law, to ensure that the Municipality’s policies will adhere to the Province’s mandate for minimum…
Read more → Land Use By-Law