Your tax calculation is based on the assessed value of the property multiplied by the applicable tax rate percentage. For example $100,000 (assessed value) x 1.26% (residential tax rate) = $1,260 (property taxes)

As always, payments can be made at our office by cheque, cash, money order or debit. Residents can also make arrangements to drop off post-dated cheques, set up pre-payment options with participating online banking providers, or pay by credit card through an external third party credit card company. We cannot accept credit card payments at our office.

Find out about full details for payment options.

Please call our Finance Department at 902-875-3544 ext. 222, if you require more information.

Address Changes

Have you moved and/or your mailing address has changed? If so, please email  or phone 902-875-3544 ext. 222.

Provincial Senior Tax Rebate Program

The Property Tax Rebate for Seniors helps low-income seniors with the cost of municipal residential property taxes.

The rebate amount is based on your municipal residential property taxes. The program provides eligible homeowners with a rebate of 50% of the municipal residential property taxes they paid for the previous tax year, up to a maximum of $800.

All of the amounts listed on your tax bill are eligible to be included in the rebate calculation, except amounts for:

  • commercial property
  • resource property (non-residential land or forest)
  • municipal exemption or rebate

Please visit for full application and eligibility details.

Low Income Property Tax Exemption

Pursuant to Section 69 of the Municipal Government Act, the Municipality of the District of Shelburne is providing a tax exemption of up to $600 on the 2024/2025 property taxes.

To qualify for the low income property tax exemption, the following criteria must be met:

  • A property owner’s gross income from all sources (Line 150 of the 2023 Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency) including all persons residing within the home, must be $35,250 or less.
  • A copy of the 2023 Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency must be provided.
  • A signed application, by all persons within the home, attesting that the information provided is correct.
  • The previous year (2023/2024) rates and property taxes must be paid in full at the time the application is submitted.
  • This exemption shall only be available for residents where the property is their primary residence occupied by him/her year-round.

Click here to review all eligibility requirements listed in the Municipality’s Low Income Tax Exemption Policy.  Applications will be received until February 28, 2025.

The annual property tax exemption will be calculated according to the following income levels and amounts, for all eligible residents:

  • $35,250 or less up to $150
  • $29,500 or less up to $300
  • $23,500 or less up to $600

How to receive and submit a Low Income Tax Property Tax Exemption application to the Municipality:
Eligible residents can do one of the following:

  • Mail your application and a copy of your notice 2023 Notice of Assessment received from Canada Revenue Agency to P.O. Box 280, Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0. Please note a fillable Low Income Tax Exemption application can be found below.
  • Or, fill out an electronic version of the application that can be found below, take a picture of your 2023 Notice of Assessment received from Canada Revenue Agency, and email it to

For further information, please visit our website or contact the Finance Department at 902-875-3544 ext. 222. All applications are reviewed in accordance with the Municipality’s Low Income Property Tax Exemption Policy. Applications are available in the Finance Department or by clicking the following link,  Application Form 2024/2025

Property Valuation Services Corporation

As of April 1, 2008 responsibility of property assessments and other property related services transferred from Assessment Services to the Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC).

Property Assessment Notices are mailed out in January. For more information please contact Property Valuation Services Corporation at 1-800-380-7775 or visit their website at Nova Scotia Property Assessment (PVSC).

More Information

Please access the following links to obtain more information on the following topics: