The Municipality provides support to volunteers (individuals, community groups, organizations) in a variety of ways. 

  • Assist community groups with writing grant applications
  • Provide guidance and resources to newly formed associations
  • Provide in-kind resources such as staff and equipment to support community initiatives and festivals
  • Provide funding to support individual training (i.e. Hiking Leader)
  • Connect community groups and individuals to learning and training opportunities (i.e. notify of Food Handlers Course)
  • Connect community groups to resources (i.e. grants, equipment, volunteers)
  • Connect volunteers to training, resources and opportunities for volunteering

The Municipality recognizes volunteers at the local and provincial level

Volunteers are recognized locally at the Volunteer Recognition Reception held annually in April. It coincides with Volunteer Week and is held in partnership with the Town of Shelburne and Lockeport Recreation Department. Each year the location rotates between partners. A local volunteer can be recognized as the Provincial Volunteer Representative through a nomination process to attend the Provincial Volunteer Awards Ceremony held in Halifax each year. Each year the Municipality selects an individual, family or group as their provincial volunteer representative. To nominate a volunteer go to our Volunteer Recognition page

The Municipality offers volunteer opportunities 

Youth Leadership Program

Youth Leadership Program is for youth in grades 8-10 who are interested in developing leadership skills and gaining volunteer experience, primarily working with children. The program is free and consists of 2.5 days of mandatory orientation/training at the beginnig of July and at least one week volunteering at a Municipal summer day camp during July and August. Recreation Staff will do classroom visits at both SRHS & LRHS in early June to talk about the program and provide the application to youth who are interested.