2021 Agendas


December 8, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday, December 8, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A 1. Call to Order:   2. Approval of Agenda:  December 8, 2021  3. Approval of Minutes:  November 24, 2021 4. Business Arising: 5. Presentation: Sonia Smith – Waste Lobster Traps/Rope Recycling 6:00 pm Max Chauvin…


November 24, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday November 24, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A 1. Call to Order: 2. Approval of Agenda:  November 24, 2021 3. Approval of Minutes:    November 10, 2021 4. Business Arising: 5. Proclamation:  Municipal Awareness Week 6. Presentation:  Osprey Arts Centre – Marja Himmelmann,…


November 10, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday November 10, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A 1. Call to Order: 2. Approval of Agenda: 3. Approval of Minutes:  October 27, 2021 4. Business Arising: 5. Administration:  a. EMO Update – Mike Shand, EMO Coordinator  6. Finance: (*Resolution Prepared)  a. Financial…


Agenda – October 27, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday October 27, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Morgen Balletto at 902-875-3544 ext 227 or email morgen.balletto@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19 restrictions spaces in-person are limited and…


Agenda – October 13, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday October 13, 2021 – POSTPONED to October 20, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Morgen Balletto at 902-875-3544 ext 227 or email morgen.balletto@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19…


Agenda – September 22, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday September 22, 20216:00 pmA G E N D A 1. Call to Order: 2. Approval of Agenda: 3. Approval of Minutes:  September 8, 2021  September 13, 2021 4. Business Arising: 5. In Camera: a. Biosolids RFP – Trudy Payne, CAO, Legal Advice as…


Special Council Meeting – Monday September 13, 2021

SPECIAL SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEMonday, September 13, 20216:30 pmA G E N D A If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Morgen Balletto at 902-875-3544 ext. 227 or morgen.balletto@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19 restrictions spaces in-person are limited and available…


Agenda – September 8, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday September 8, 20216:00 pm If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Morgen Balletto at 902-875-3544 ext 227 or email morgen.balletto@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19 restrictions spaces in-person are limited and available on a first come, first…


Agenda – July 28, 2021

REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday July 28, 20216:00 pm If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Anita Demings at 902-875-3544 ext 221 or email anita.demings@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19 restrictions spaces in-person are limited and available on a first come,…


July 14, 2021

If you would like to attend a Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please contact Anita Demings at 902-875-3544 ext 221 or email anita.demings@municipalityofshelburne.ca. Due to COVID-19 restrictions spaces in-person are limited and available on a first come, first serve basis.    REGULAR SESSION OF THE 52nd COUNCILOF THEMUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF SHELBURNEWednesday…