Employment Opportunities
Public Works Facilities Operator Trainee
Municipality of the District of Shelburne is seeking applications for the full-time, unionized position of Public Works Facilities Operator Trainee. This position works from the Municipal Administration Building, located at 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne, NS.
The Public Works Facilities Operator Trainee position will work and train with the Public Works Facilities Operator and be responsible for the maintenance of all municipal facilities and properties including the Sewage Treatment Plant and other built infrastructure, summer property maintenance, winter property maintenance and general office duties.
The complete list of duties, skills and qualifications can be found here.
The annual salary scale for this position is $52,694 – $58,153, dependent upon qualifications and experience.
This is an internal and external posting. Resumes with cover letters will be accepted until 12:00 pm on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Marcia d’Eon
Director of Operations and Protective Services
Municipality of the District of Shelburne
414 Woodlawn Drive
PO Box 280
Shelburne NS
B0T 1W0
Email: marcia.deon@municipalityofshelburne.ca
Phone: (902) 875-3544 ext 246
Junior Building/Fire Official
Municipality of the District of Shelburne is seeking applications for the full-time, unionized position of Junior Building/Fire Official. This position works from the Municipal Administration Building, located at 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne, NS.
The Junior Building/Fire Official position will work and train with the Manager of Inspection Services and be responsible for the review of building plan specifications, on-site building and fire inspections, general office duties as well as providing reports, orders and legal documentation.
The complete list of duties, skills and qualifications can be found here.
The annual salary scale for this position is $54,891 – $60,603, dependent upon qualifications and experience.
This is an internal and external posting. Resumes with cover letters will be accepted until 12:00 pm on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Marcia d’Eon
Director of Operations and Protective Services
Municipality of the District of Shelburne
414 Woodlawn Drive
PO Box 280
Shelburne NS
B0T 1W0
Email: marcia.deon@municipalityofshelburne.ca
Phone: (902) 875-3544 ext 246
Request for Proposals
Request for Proposal
The Municipality of Shelburne is seeking the services of a qualified solar PV firm to provide a detailed design and the construction of an approved design of (up to) a 100kW system to convert solar energy to electricity using photovoltaic cells referred to as Solar Energy Project (SEP).
Offers are to be submitted by email to Andrew Amos, Project Manager at andrewamos@eastlink.ca clearly marked “MDS Request for Proposal – Design, Supply & Installation of Solar PV Array”.
Responses must be received by 10:30 am local time, Thursday, October 17, 2024. Offers not received by the specified time at the above location will not be considered and will be returned unopened.
The RFP can be found here.
Request for Proposal
The Municipality of Shelburne is seeking proposals for the design, supply and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at the newly constructed Municipal building located at 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne. The finished project should provide convenient access to EV charging for employees, visitors, and other authorized users.
Offers are to be submitted by email to Andrew Amos, Project Manager at andrewamos@eastlink.ca clearly marked “MDS Request for Proposal – Design, Supply & Installation of EV Charger(s)”.
Responses must be received by 4:00 pm local time, Thursday, October 10, 2024. Offers not received by the specified time at the above location will not be considered and will be returned unopened.
The RFP can be found here.
Request for Standing Offer
2024/2025 & 2025/2026 WINTER SEASONS
The Municipality of Shelburne will be accepting bids under this request for standing offer for the purpose of occasional on call snow removal and salting services at various Municipal properties. This request for standing offer will be for a two-year period starting upon award until March 31, 2026 with the option to extend.
Offers are to be submitted in plain envelope marked “Municipality of Shelburne – Snow Removal – 2024/2025 & 2025/2026 Winter Season”.
Sealed responses must be delivered to the following address:
Municipality of Shelburne
414 Woodlawn Drive, Po Box 280, Shelburne, NS
Or by email to: marcia.deon@municipaliltyofshelburne.ca
Offers must be addressed to the attention of Marcia d’Eon, Director of Operations & Protective Services, clearly refer to the above quotation. Responses must be received at the above address by 2:00 pm local time, Friday, October 11, 2024. Offers not received by the specified time at the above location will not be considered and will be returned unopened.
The RFP can be found here.
Owner’s Engineer Services
The Municipality of the District of Shelburne is seeking to solicit proposals for owner’s engineering services. Specifically, the selected firm will provide owner’s engineering services to support the Municipality to undertake a design-build contract to construct a roof canopy, safety rails, and a new drop point at its Regional Material Recovery Facility (hereafter referred to as ‘RMRF’). The completion of the design-build project aims to increase the capacity of the site, allow for environmental sustainability, enhanced safety and functionality.
The Owner Engineer is responsible to work directly with the Municipality to: provide advice; prepare and review design build procurement documents; review key milestone design-build deliverables; and, provide final construction inspection. The successful firm will thereby ensure that the design and construction of the new components to the RMRF are in full compliance with operating protocols, operating manuals, contract terms, good construction and operating practices, and applicable environmental and regulatory compliance, construction and safety practices.
Proposals must be received by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, and shall be emailed to marcia.deon@municipalityofshelburne.ca or delivered to:
Marcia d’Eon, Director of Operations & Protective Services
Municipality of the District of Shelburne
PO Box 280
Shelburne, NS
B0T 1W0
Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged by email. Proposals received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Proposals sent by email should be in PDF. Those that do not transmit due to the size of the attachments will not be accepted after the deadline. Proponents should prepare their documents so they can be transmitted by email and send them early enough to receive a confirmation email before the deadline.
The RFP can be found here.
Request for Proposals
Equipment Purchase
(3/4 Ton, Regular Cab with V Plow)
Equipment Purchase
3/4 Ton, Regular Cab with V Plow
The Municipality of the District of Shelburne will be accepting proposals for one four-wheel drive truck capable of snow plowing activities, 3/4 Ton, Regular Cab with V Plow. NOTE: Proposal must include trade in of current vehicle.
Proposal forms and specifications are attached or may be picked up at the Municipal Office, 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne, NS, during regular open business hours, 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday or on the Municipality’s Website @ www.municipalityofshelburne.ca
Proposals are to be received no later than 2:00 p.m., Friday, September 27, 2024.
All Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Equipment Purchase – 3/4 Ton, Regular Cab with V Plow”
The Municipality of Shelburne reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, not necessarily accept the lowest proposal, or accept any proposal which it consider not to be in its best interests. The Municipality of Shelburne also reserves the right to wave formality, informality, technicality on any proposal.
The RFP can be found here..
Volunteer Opportunities
There are currently no volunteer opportunities.